Iqra educational and technical foundation


Introduction of Iqra foundation & Darul Uloom Faiz-e-Mohammadi:
Darul Uloom Faiz-e Mohammadi was eastablished under Iqra educational and technical foundation by late former Muhaddis at Madrasa Shahi Muradabad and successor of muhaddis Moulana Zakrya kandhalwi Haji Abdul- Jabbar Ala’zmi on 18 Aug in 1986 AD. Which occupied nearly 12 Bigah of land. All praise to God where one thousand and twenty seven students both girls and boys are pursuing their education. Three hundred and ninety two students are sponsored by Madarsa itself. And it has been a famous, ideal, religious and training institute in UP especially in eastern UP. Because it has been standing on it’s basics from beginings which are made of Qur-an and Sunnat, oneness and Sunnat, invitation and guidance, construction and managments and reformation and changing. Darul- uloom not only developed in construction but in education and training students in addition to embellishing them with global education and technical as well and it excelled in these field. That’s why it provided so many scholars and reciters-huffaz- and reformists in a large number who are recently busy in education and keeping on religiously inviting on national and international level
Iqra’ high school.
The founder of Darul Uloom Faiz-e Mohammadi Moulna Qari Mohammad Tayyeb Qasmi and his committee members had thought to embellish our nation’s children with the global education too. That’s way Iqara high school has been established under Darul Uloom Faiz-e Mohammdi. So that our muslim generations would be protected to an extent from to be involved in the western culture. It must be clear that it’s syllabus is based on NCERT syllabus. And nearly eight hundred student both girls and boys are pursuing their education.
A step towards the technical education.
Darul Uloom administration has adopted another step in the form of establishing a technical school named Mini-I.T.I. for professional education and learning. In which four trades are working recently, Ac, wiring, computer, sewing machine. Which is industrial training institute granted by government and which supports the students to be self-dependent.
Faculties/ sections of Darul-Uloom.
1. Primary section: under this section students are taught the Qur-an, and global subjects with religious education[Hindi, English, Science, Geography, etc]. and particularly, Mathematics is focused on in this section and get some Duaa’s and particular chapters of the Holy Book to be learned by heart.
2. Section of Qur-an memorization: it is the section of Darul-Uloom in which very experienced and famous teachers teach the students to get the Qur-an to be learned by heart firmly with all their efforts. So that the students can be set for انا نحن نزلنا الذكر وانا له لحافظون.
3. Section of Tajweed: it is an integral part of Qur-an memorization where students are trained in different accent and nice pronunciations.
4. Section of Arabic and Persian: in this section basic marphological and grammatical studies with verbal practices are duely delivered on regular basis, in addition to bookish knowledge with comprehension which is paricularly facuesd as well. So that the children’s innocent minds do get nurtured nicely and slowly developed taking interest in education. Because nation’s future depends on them. In some last years religious scholars and reciters came out in a large number. Who are making it beautiful. Grammar, marphology, philosophy, literature, rules of Fiq’h, Hadeeth, rules of Hadeeth, Qur-anic explanations and it’s translation and English are included in this syllabus. The from primary to secondary(alia ula)-mishqaat shareef- are here.
5. Section of invitation and publish: under this section the students under superviosion of teachers go to neighbouring areas In groups to tell them about due doings and non-dooings-Amar bilmarrof, nahi anilmukar- and to spread religious awareness.
6. section of publish and issuance: under this section pamphlets of Darul-Uloom, announcement, reports, calender and other authoring related issues are dealt with. And with all due praise to God monthly magzine “ Ehyaul-Islam” is also issued by this section. And it is sent to more than one thousands readers both national and international every month.
7. Accountancy sections: whole financial records are recorded by this section that includes scholarships to deserving students and teachers’ salaries as well. And after getting it audtited by any CA is presented.
8. Section of hostels: it devides seats amongst students which are recorded according to room numbers. And it arranges students’ lodging works and the students who stay at hostels are extremly cared of.
9. Section of education: all educational arrangements, class books, monthly tests and half yearly exams are done by this section.
10. Section of mess: breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided free to more three hundred studets by it.
11. Section of construction: this section builds new buildings and renovates old ones. With help of God new construction work is going here this year about which we have discussed in details in the montly “Ehyaul-Islam” in the issue of Feb.
12. Section of health care: responsibilty of students’ health, care, and sprays of anti-harmful elements and deseases lies on it’s shoulders and sport works are on it as well.
13. Section of reading halls and library: it is basic section of Darul-Uloom. Which provieds syllabus and extra books to the students and takes these all back before the annual exams. Books binding and providing books is the responsibility also.
14. committee of the program of Faiz-ul-Lisan: it is that important section under which the students’ written and spoken talent are flourished in the form of organizing programs throughout the year and on every Thursday after Zuhar and Maghrib Al-nadi Alarabi and special program are organized. And the students practice verbally in their groups. And they are trained in all ways on some days on occasions arranging competitions. And ther is an annual program in the end of year where students’ guardians and close people come here.
15. Section of electricity and the water supply: this section supplies the water to whole campus and cares of electricity works. So that the classes and the hostel rooms can get light as usual.
Section of welfare and social services: this department does social works directly under the Iqra foundation. For instance, it makes arrangements of madecines for patients and deceased people on some occasions and supports for getting poor girls married if there is requirements. And it makes arrangements to install hand pump to provide clean water to the poor. Because there is chemical found here in whole Gorakhpur region named Arseing, which makes water poisoned and results in many deceases day to day in whole area which makes them happen in troubles. And people’s lung and kidnies get deceased because of it and they have many other deceases just because of water. That’why in addition to education Iqra foundation is coming forward to technical education and social services. Having made thousand of hand pumps the poor are being given clean water to drink so far. In the same way meat is divided amongst them in camps on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha when the poor and orphan are hosted for three days and entertained it. Otherwise because of their incapablity they can not find meat and all, but seeing the poor of the area, Iqra foundation took the responsibility of it with the help of wealfare activists.
Aims of Iqra foundation and it’s purposes:
1.To Publish and spread the Qur-an and Hadeeth education and it’s culture and decorating the muslim generation with islamic trainings and educations.
2. To run Darul-Uloom on it’s standard for religious education and to care of samll samll schools under it.
3. To organize educational programs to maintain the peace like Ijtema, Jalsa, Mushaira etc and to nurture peaceful generation for the peace of country and it’s unity.
4. To duely provide the aid for education and learning given by local and central government.
5. To do arrangements for backward sections, the poor and widoes in camps and to try developing their lives standard.
6. To spread awareness among people about their fundemental rights and to organize programs day to day inviting lawyers and good officials.
7. To give them knowledge about human rights after collecting information from national and international level for welfare of human beings.
8. To establish coaching centers for competitions making them affiliate to government and semi-governement institutions.
9. meeting with high prfile people of the country for uniting them from comunities.
10. To spread the right islamic faith and to fight with new things in Islam and atheism on the way of Jamat-e- Islami.
11. To make scholars and inviters ready for whole world and conserve the islamic heritage.
12. To organize programs for awareness of dangerous deceases( cancer, AIDS, insflite etc) to protect from them and make arrangments for free camps for the poor and establish a hospital if there is requirement.
13. To spread Arabic language.
14. To work for country development and it’s peace and to fight every communal terrorism.
Iqra High School
Iqra High School is also being run under Iqra Educational and Technical Foundation. Poor Muslim children are taught modern as well as Islamic Education. Number of such students has been increasing each and Every day. There are 450 Students at present in this school.
Madani I.T.I.
An I.T.I. Institute under Iqra Foundation has been established and education is imparted in three fields:
(1) Wireman & Electrician (2)Refrigeration and air condition (3) computer applications. Keeping in mind the importance of some other professional trades one more field “Tailoring” has been added to the institute with the contribution of a Muslim philanthropist. Alhamdulillah the institute bears fruitful results. The above mentioned institution is recognized by the government of U.P. and paves the way to make students self-dependents economically.
Forms of contribution
Get your children admitted in Darul Uloom. Bear expense of the students who are memorizing Quran, and one such students generally completes memorization of Quran within three years, expenses of three years are U.K £ 306.9 Bear the expenses of the food of 415 students for a day that cost U.K £ 96 Contribute through constructional materials as cement, rods, bricks, sand and woods etc. Donate hides of sacrificed animals on Eidul Azha. Donate Sadaqatul Fitr, Zakat and Khairat on Eidul Fitr. Extend charity in cash for construction. Endow a plot or your property as Wakf for Darul Uloom. Extend contribution through building a portion of the mosque. Endow a plot or your property as Warf for Darul Uloom. Extend contribution through building a portion of the mosque. Construct a room in Darul Uloom in your name or in the name of your relatives and one room is estimated to cost U.K £ 3500.4 We cordially hope that all of you generous Muslim brethren would extend every kind of support with the best possible means to above mentioned Darul Uloom in Order to Make it run steadily and smoothly. Verily Allah the Almighty does not waste away the good deeds of those who do them with sincerity.
And food facilities by Darul Uloom
About 120 Students Complete education every year and take admission in other institutions such as nadwatul Ulama and Aligarh Muslim University etc. All treatment facilities are available for boys and girls students both for free. This is provided for the poor free for cost as a social service.
Future Plans of Darul Uloom
At present Darul Uloom get lodged in a very small hostel named Rawaq-e- Yaseen. Therefore, a large building which could accommodate 500 students is must for imparting education without any hindrance. An estimated cost cost of the said building is 6.6 million Indian rupees (U.K £ 66.660)
Class rooms:
As Number of students is increasing every year, the construction of 14 class rooms and a lecture Hall is required. Its cost is estimated to be 2.58 million Indian rupees (U.K £ 20058)
Engineering College:
The construction of an I.T.I Institute under Iqra Foundation is complete. The above mentioned institution is recogmized by the government of U.P The establishment of an engineering collage is also in agenda, and is estimated to cost around 20 million Indian rupees (U.K £ 200400)
Kitchen and dining hall:
A Kitchen and dining hall are necessary for the convenience of the students and are estimated to cost nearly 1.5 million Indian rupees (U.K £ 15000)
A Library under the name of Maulana Azad Library is proposed to be built and would require nearly 1.7 million Indian Rupees. Presently a small room is being used for the same purpose. (U.K £ 17100)
Staff Quarter:
Its Construction is direly needed as the teachers and employees have been living in hostel rooms. The project is Estimated to cost rounded Rs. 1.8 million Indian Rupees. (U.K £18000)

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